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Basic Licensing Training:

Michigan Licensing Program for Massage Therapist

Are you ready to embark on a rewarding journey?

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For a Free Educational Consultation

Are you looking for a career in the wellness Industry, one that offers prosperity?

Want a program that's affordable, with a flexible payment plan and pay as you study?

Look no further than our Massage Therapy Michigan Licensing Program.

Flexible Schedules

We understand that life can be busy.

We offer flexible schedules to accommodate your needs. Choose from part-time or full-time programs, ensuring you can pursue your passion without sacrificing other commitments.

Don't miss this chance to turn your passion for massage therapy into a fulfilling career.

Embark on a path of personal growth, professional fulfillment, and the power to heal. Contact us now to schedule your free Educational Consultation.

The 625-hour 1-year certificate course offered by American Academy of International Education (AAIE) and is required for examination and licensing by the State of Michigan. This comprehensive training in massage therapy at the American Academy of International Education provides you with the extensive knowledge of human anatomy, physiology, and a variety of modalities in massage therapy. You can also take optional courses and become a specialist.

The evidence-based research and enhanced knowledge about the benefits of therapeutic massage plus significant change in demographics and elderly population has created a huge demand for qualified massage therapist to work at hospitals, physical therapy, chiropractic and outpatient clinics, rehabilitation centers, acute and long-term care, facilities, nursing homes industrial, and corporate health centers, athletic and sports facilities, fitness centers, etc.

The comprehensive and unique programs of American Academy of International Education, also trains you to set up your own private clinic, become a specialist and enjoy higher income and prestige in a rapidly, growing profession.

New classes start in January, April, July and October. Financial help may be available from the Michigan Works. American Academy of International Education also offers ways to pay the tuition with easy payments without any interest or service charge. Classes are held during the day and evening or weekends for your convenience.

Ready to Commit? Apply and Pay Here

Have Questions Contact us.

STEP-1. Complete and SUBMIT  “Admission Application” For Advance-Standing click HERE. Proceed to STEP-2 “PAYMENT FORM”

Basic License Payment Form

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  I have reviewed a copy of the program, and schedule of courses I wish to study, have read the AAIE Information, Policies & Program Bulletin and understand that acceptance of my admission is subject to the rules, regulations and policies indicated in the school catalog, including the tuition payment, refunds and graduation requirements. I also understand that there are NO other fees. I hereby accept all the clauses contained therein.

 I consent to my data being retained by the site owner after payment has been processed. I understand that AAIE reserves the right to ask for additional information before acceptance in any of our courses.

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Download Our Brochure: Michigan Licensing Program for Massage Therapist
